Crime Data - What's It Mean
Per Capita Crime Rate vs. Actual Crime Reported
Had a great question - I was asked how can our per capita crime rate equal that of large cities? Doesn't that mean we're a violent town?
First - Parsons #1 violent crime is aggravated assault usually in
Crime Prevention starts with you and ends with the police. The Parsons Police Department urges the citizens of Parsons to "See It, Hear It, Report It" at all times. Using every resource available to stop crime before it happens or while in progress r
Reward Increased on Animal Cruelty Cases
The investigation into a series of attacks against dogs all centered in the SE corner of Parsons continues. Police are sifting through tips submitted by citizens. The reward has now been increased to $34,000 with a separate $5,000 reward bei
It's a New Year
It is a New Year! A great time to review the past, plan for the future and look at the facts of today.
Last year Parsons Police struggled with staffing just as our other police agencies in the region did. Actually, across the state and nation police