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Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving

Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS)

Dr. Robert Trojanowicz, one of the founders of modern community-oriented policing, defined it this way:


"Community Policing is a philosophy of policing, based on the concept that police officers and private citizens working together in creative ways can help solve contemporary community problems related to crime, fear of crime, social and physical disorder, and neighborhood decay. The philosophy is predicated on the belief that achieving these goals requires that police departments develop a new relationship with the law-abiding people in the community, allowing them a greater voice in setting local priorities and involving them in efforts to improve the overall quality of life in their neighborhoods. It shifts the focus of police work from handling random calls to solving problems."**

The Parsons Police Department is evolving to meet the changing needs of our community, while maintaining our commitment to excellence in the highest traditions of police service. In 2012 the voters of Parsons passed a ½ cent sales tax to address capital needs focusing on the police and fire departments. That tax will sunset in December of 2022.

The City is evaluating bringing an extension of that sales tax to the voters again in 2022. These revenues have been instrumental in replacing old equipment such as, police vehicles, an aerial ladder truck for the fire department. A host of capital and equipment replacements have been addressed with these funds as well. Most recently the long overdue upgrade to the police dispatch center.

Policing is not a one a one-size fits all operation. With over 18,000 local law enforcement agencies the needs of stakeholders are different. For example, the leadership varies greatly, the crime and available resources are different, and the menu of community engagement must be thought out with clear rules of engagement for each agency.


Parsons PD embraces the COPPS philosophy in its Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles (See Mission Page). The Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center provides new recruits with basic COPPS instruction. This is then re-enforced during in-service training at the department level. Parsons PD provides in-service training titled, "YOU are the Police Department," which you can download below.

As part of our agency's evolution, we focus on community engagement through the following programming:

  •     New web site that offers sign-up for text/email alerts,
  •     'Rap Sheet' radio show on KLKC radio (these are then posted as Podcasts on the police web site).
  •     Annual Report detailing agency operations to community stakeholders.
  •     Shop-With-A-Cop Program (Christmas)
  •     Police Chaplain's Program
  •     Active use of Twitter to inform the community.
  •     Use of as the electronic version of Neighborhood Watch.
  •     R-U-OK Program (automatic phone outreach for Seniors and citizens at risk).
  •     Operation Santa Watch (Holiday foot and UTV Patrols).
  •     Hot Spot Policing utilizing crime mapping.
  •     Full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) Program.
  •     Use of a Community Resource Officer (CSO) to connect with neighborhoods on animal, parking, and quality of life issues.
  •     Chief's Blog is hosted on the police web site.
  •     Registered Offender Outreach Program
  •     Creation of the Kansas Combined Anti-Drug Taskforce [K-CAT] (in 2019) to address illegal narcotics throughout Labette County.
  •     Strategic goal to bring Crisis Intervention Team (CIT training) to SE Kansas.


The Department plans to staff a full-time COPPS Officer to focus 100% on community outreach and connections as soon as full staffing is achieved.

Our efforts are only slowed based on our resources. Given that we are continuing to evolve, we strive to embrace continuous improvement at the same time society demands policing evolution to occur. We have inventoried over 100 recommendations and benchmarks that have been floated at the local, state, and national levels to evolve policing. You can download our inventory. Currently, Parsons PD has achieved a 96% compliance rate, (see Matrix Report below).


You are the Police

Benchmark Matrix Report

You are the Police Power Point

**Trojanowicz, R., & Bucqueroux, B. (1990). Community Policing: A Contemporary Perspective. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Press, Page 5.